sunday: just a dog and a boy, bonding.
tuesday: the completion of our hike while camping at nason creek.also tuesday: cooling off in the creek.also also tuesday: jiffy pop!
wednesday: saying good bye to the creek until next summer!
also wednesday: layla did not react so well to mosquito bites. a knot on her forehead, a fat lip and a crazy swollen knee she couldn’t bend, all due to bites, landed us at the pediatrician immediately after returning to civilization.
thursday: dave got together after work with his cousin, who happened to be in town visiting.
also thursday: i got a crazy idea that i should make homemade yogurt in my crockpot and oven…
friday: after doing all the steps and refrigerating it, i tried some. it seemed like yogurt is supposed to seem, but i didn’t love it. wound up using some of it in banana bread, but ultimately threw a lot of it away. oh well.
and a couple of big collages of pictures from our camping trip.
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