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Some things that have made me happy lately…

I recently replaced the curtains in my family room (that is its own story) because one of the was severely faded. The other one was fine, and it seemed a waste to toss it, especially since I really like these curtains. But what do you do with only one curtain? Unrelated is the fact that our cat’s litter box resides in the linen closet, which means the door needs to stay open all the time, and there is always the risk that the door gets shut and then we have unpleasantness. I’ve been contemplating a solution to this situation for a while. Suddenly, they came together! 

A backyard game of “license plate baseball” broke out randomly. License plate baseball is one of those things that will go down in Dapelo family history. It has only happened a few times, but for some reason it is legendary. We use old license plates as the bases, which is how it got its name.

The joys of Mr. Putter & Tabby live on. Never too old.

This morning, my dad took Micah and I bowling. I got to try out my new bowling ball (a gift from him like 2 years ago) finally. But first, Bonezy got all excited and thought he was going to go bowling too! 

And then we headed into Monroe for the block party. Not quite the same as the parade, which was definitely missed, but I guess this is better than nothing. Layla is thrilled the band is back in action! 

And then we poked around the booths a little and came home with some amazing smelling soaps! 

So what’s been making you happy lately? 


  1. When Jesse nabs a sock out of the laundry basket and prances just out of my reach. He flashes a mischievous glance as he darts away, wagging. Even though he can totally out-run me, he allows himself to be cornered. He relinquishes the sock when I kiss his nose, or (when he’s ornery) I have to extract it from his jaws!


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