Please be kind to one another.
Please be decent human beings.
Please rise above what the media expects of you.
Please remember that you have friends and relatives and coworkers and neighbors on all sides of the political scale.
Please keep in mind that, whichever candidate a person favors, they likely have a reason for doing so, same as you.
Please understand that that reason is probably not as sinister as you may think.
Please turn off your TV, put down your phone, or whatever it is you need to do if the anxiety you feel about this election is causing you to hate people you actually love. If it’s causing you to hate anyone! When this is over, we still have to live with each other, work with each other, spend Christmas with each other.
Please don’t let your feelings about an election ruin your relationships. Or drive you to violence. Or make you believe that the world is ending. It’s not. The political leaders of our country do have quite a bit of power, but not that much.
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