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the results are IN!

and not exactly what I expected…

which, I guess, is the point of actually having the test done in the first place.

so, I have been anxiously awaiting the results of my food panel blood test, to find out what, if anything, I’m allergic to or somehow reacting to. I met with my dr. today to go over the results. which look like this:068

basically, the ones in red caused some sort of reaction when tested on my blood sample. each also has a number, showing the degree of reaction. then, based on the number, it is given a class (1-3). those marked 1 caused a lesser reaction, and those marked 3, caused the greatest reaction.

so, for the next 8 weeks, I have to avoid ALL of the things in red, and then, after meeting with my doctor again, plan to add those things back into my diet, one at a time, to see which of them cause a recognizable reaction (stomach, sinus, migraine, etc.), and which seem to pose no problem to me. when they have been absent from my diet, my system will be more sensitive to them, and make a reaction more pronounced and obvious.

so for now, I will be avoiding:

  • green beans
  • pinto beans (2)
  • cantaloupe
  • cottage cheese (2)
  • swiss cheese
  • chicken
  • crab
  • cow’s milk
  • white potatoes
  • shrimp
  • swordfish
  • wheat
  • baker’s yeast
  • brewer’s yeast
  • yogurt
  • amaranth
  • red beans (3)
  • blackberries
  • casein (3)
  • blue cheese
  • cottonseed (2)
  • cranberries
  • dates
  • goat’s milk
  • papaya
  • sugar beets
  • whey (3)

I indicated the ones that rated 2 or 3. everything else is rated a 1. red beans brought the highest number, which is interesting because I had to think really hard to even remember the last time I’ve eaten red beans. not really a part of my diet. but good to know, as I will definitely avoid them in the future. the second highest numbers went to casein and whey. (if you’re unfamiliar with casein, it’s a protein found in milk.) several of the 1’s had very low numbers, so my doctor felt it was okay for me to have them, but maybe only about once a week for now. these include chicken, cranberries, dates, sugar beets, papaya, and blackberries. the only ones I really care about are the chicken (for real?) and the dates (because they are in my favorite grab and go snack – larabars). I could live without blackberries except in the fall, when they’re dripping off the bushes everywhere you walk, I really want to be able to eat them. sugar beets, I never eat; papaya, VERY rarely; and cranberries, well, I’ll have a small helping at thanksgiving and call it good.

interestingly enough, gluten didn’t show up, but wheat did.

somewhat related to that is the 2 types of yeast. the biggest issue for me with those is not the bread issue, as it is the ‘fermenting’ issue. so, for vinegars, I have to stick to distilled or apple cider, and for alcohols, it’s all tequila and rum! no wine. boo hoo! beer, vodka, whiskey, etc. all out as well, but I can live with that pretty easily… (although, now that I think of it, what are the ingredients of a duck fart??? aagghhh!!)

and, it seems pretty obvious that I will need to give up my yogurt, cheese, and other milk products, including the half and half in my coffee. WAAAHHHH!!! but I have some good leads on acceptable alternatives that I will have to try out and report. I’m also glad I have had a couple of eggnog lattes already this year, because those are out too. boo.

but, with all that said, I’m very much excited about all of this. yes, it seems like a pain, and some of you are probably wondering why the heck I even care about this. it’s not like I break out in hives or have to carry a vial of benedryl or an epipen around with me. I don’t have VIOLENT allergies to anything, that I know of. but, if changing my eating habits could mean I get to say goodbye to the migraines, headaches, stomachaches, wheezing, and chronic sinus congestion I deal with WAY more often than I care to, then it will be TOTALLY worth it.

I’ve already seen improvement with the paleo-influenced changes I’ve made. bloating and lower-digestive tract issues are absent, as well as the random fatigue. I have way more energy, it’s easier to wake up in the morning, and I don’t have that slow, sluggish, weighed down feeling, that I used to have so often. if I could get rid of the rest? holy cow! I think I’d be unstoppable!

so… this will be interesting. the part where I have to feed myself, and still feed the rest of my family, and stay within a reasonable budget is intimidating me a little bit, as are the impending feast-focused holidays. I will definitely be updating on how this whole thing goes, and how I feel!


  1. Good luck! I hope it helps you out. Even without the "big violent" reactions, chronic fatigue and regular headaches are pretty miserable and I can relate. By the way... duck fart? THAT does NOT sound like something to miss! I have no idea what it is... but doesn't sound good! ;)


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