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meal plan(s) monday! even though it’s wednesday…

normally, a tardy post of this nature would just get backlogged to the monday it was supposed to have been published. but I’m freely admitting today, that I’m late. oh well. I have successfully made a meal plan and, dagnabit, I’m going to post it! and you’re going to read it. and enjoy it. or I’m gonna come over there and… wait. sorry. moving along…

I am going to backlog the menu, though, because I always start my meal plans on monday, and I really don’t care that it’s wednesday, I’m still going to post what we ate on monday. and tuesday. and as you will soon see, it’s SO exciting, how could I not post it?!

  • monday: leftover chicken soup
  • tuesday: leftover tacos
  • wednesday: dinner at church
  • thursday: creamy italian chicken; noodles; broccoli
  • friday: pizza; green beans
  • saturday: hamburgers; tots; fresh veggies
  • sunday: waffles; sausages

but wait! there’s more! while I was at it, I decided to go ahead and plan the next week as well!

  • next monday: leftovers
  • next tuesday: chicken caesar salad
  • next wednesday: dinner at church
  • next thursday: tater tot casserole
  • next friday: pizza; green beans
  • next saturday: bacon-potato chowder; sourdough
  • next sunday: scrambles; toast

I had an offer sitting in my inbox from amazon fresh. I have wanted to get groceries delivered from them… but every time I sit down and start to, I get frustrated because I know that I can get most of it cheaper at the grocery store by shopping sales or buying the store brand. but the offer was for $100 worth of groceries for $50. hard to pass up saving 50 bucks! and it meant I didn’t have to go to the grocery store!

I have some things I’ll have to pick up at costco today, but I have to go there anyway, so it may as well be today!

at any rate, I’m happy to not have to go shopping this week, and I’m really happy to have saved money. and I’m even happier to know that my meals are planned for two weeks! yay!


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