sunday: slave labor! layla is now in charge of the downstairs bathroom. yes. also sunday: getting my newest project life album set up and a few weeks in!!! after MUCH deliberation, indecision, and other such hemming and hawing, I walked into michaels and found a MIDNIGHT edition clearanced! SOLD! fortunately, midnight is one that I had been seriously considering, and, now that it’s out of the package and into the pages, I LOVE IT!!! I’m so excited for the rest of this year! monday: so, he may look cute and innocent, but this dog is a cold-blooded killer… of chickens that is. sunday afternoon was a less than pleasant experience. on saturday, we’d had a fair amount of wind. it had blown open our garden gate, but I forgot about that when I left to walk down the street to my parents’ house. bonez was in the yard when I left, but I didn’t think anything of it. until a half hour later when dave called me and asked if the dog was down there with me. no. panic. scattering to canvas the neigh...
{still sorta here. still sorta blogging}