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idiosyncratic kids, bad parenting, and the like…

here’s a random post for you.  a smorgasbord of tasty day-to-day anecdotes with no topic in particular.

HOW TO MAKE “D-CHEESES”  - just in case you find yourself in charge of my daughter around snack time.

i have no idea where she came up with this, or why it is called ‘d-cheese’, but if she asks for d-cheese, this is how you make it:Picture 494 Picture 495 Picture 496 Picture 497 Picture 498 Picture 499 the stacking is key! if you should, for some reason decided to cut one half and then the other half, you’re asking for it.  the two halves must be stacked and then cut. and all 4 pieces must be stacked on top of each other before handing over.  how she came up with this, and how i figured it out, i have no idea.

i never claimed to have normal kids.

BREAD ANYONE? the other night we had bread with dinner, but forgot to eat it. micah found it a little later and decided to have a little snack.

Picture 467 Picture 479 Picture 492 Picture 493           he was reaching into the bread and digging it out.  do you see the hole he put in that piece?

and finally, WANNA FEEL LIKE A GOOD PARENT? just be reassured by MY follies!

on sunday morning, dave was getting the kids ready for church and had a hard time getting micah’s shoes on him, so he decided to make a run to the mall after church.  the shoes he had, i bought in october and were a size 3.5.  they went into stride rite and had him measured again.  the shoes dave came home with were a 5!  but check this out:                               Picture 462 Picture 464

seriously.  child abuse i tell ya!  and it hadn’t even occurred to me that he might need new shoes some time soon.


  1. I have done the SAME thing with Daniel. How IS that possible?? Does make you feel a little inadequate, doesn't it?

  2. It just shows you how quickly they grow at that age. Never again will he outgrow his shows by that many sizes in 3-4 months.

  3. Been there, done that. And it was the youngest in my case too. I'd been used to Mackenzie who doesn't go through many growth spurts and never seems to gain weight, so I tried putting Joel on the same scale. Didn't work.

  4. Isn't it crazy? We just bought Jake 8's. They get so big so fast!!!


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